Thursday 29 March 2012

Tour - Beartrap/Witch Cult - Hungary and Slovakia

Day 35/36/Show 29/30 Debrecen, Hungary/ Trencin, Slovakia

Woke up way earlier than I wanted to today. Then we passed the time watching Mtv Romania. I ate some fruit and we headed on our way. We get to the border of Romania and Hungary and for the EU, a country with no borders, there sure seem to be a lot of borders. We get stopped and the dude tells us we don’t have the right documents and we will have to wait here for a day or 2 so they can confirm that the vehicle isn’t stolen. YES, WE STOLE THIS CAR! We stole it in the UK (because the wheel is on the wrong side of the car) and drove thru FOURTEEN other countries before you brilliant motherfuckers caught us. What a waste of time and money. We sit and watch a million other people get waved thru. After that someone walks over and gives us our passports, but not our vehicle documents and doesn’t say anything to us. So we wait for a long time, no one tells us to go. Alastair notices the documents are on the dash, and we have been able to go this whole time. So we fucked ourselves at the border for an hour. No one told us to go, and the dude did say that we might have to wait a day or 2, so fuck them anyway.

After that we drove thru a bunch of barren fields. Out of nowhere the small town of Debrecen pops up. We load into the show and it’s in a small venue in a practice space called HNO3. It’s a cool little room. Adam booked the show and he is a super nice dude. I texted him the night before and asked him if he could get a cake somehow for Alastair’s birthday and he pulled thru. Thanks again dude. Now Debrecen is a small town in Eastern Hungary on the Romanian boarder. I think Adam and a few of his friends were the only people there who liked Hardcore. The rest were locals who practiced at the space and/or young kids who had nothing else to do. It just wasn’t our show I guess. They stuck around and watched us, but I don’t thing they enjoyed much of it haha. After the show we loaded out to go stay in Budapest. Of course the plan was to wake up early and walk around. It is now 2pm and we haven’t left the apartment, naturally.

After I wrote that we left. We went to a health food store and then a normal grocery store. We didn’t see much in between the 2 but Budapest seems nice. Then we headed to Trencin. The drive was thru many small Slovakian towns and the roads were bad. We pulled up to the show and loaded in. The show was at a place called Club Luc. Robo and Kamil booked the show and were nice dudes. For dinner we had risotto with fake meat and sliced vegetables. After that we had to have our passports dropped off at the hotel they were getting us. I found this very odd. A hotel? Earlier in the day I texted the dude booking our Bratislava show and asked if we could sleep there tonight to cut down on the drive. That bit me in the ass. Mario (one of the dudes booking the Bratislava show) came to the Trencin show and told the promoter we could stay with them, so he asked me if that was cool/could they cancel the hotels? So I ruined the hotels for everybody with my dumb time saving ideas. Anyway, the show was a bar show. Everyone stood pretty far away and didn’t seem too interested. I’m fine with that, us and Witch Cult played good so I don’t care. After the show we packed up and headed to Bratislava and I am playing on a floor instead of a hotel bed. What an asshole I am.

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